Monday, 25 October 2010

Hartlepool vs Guisborough 'B'

Ray Stonehouse 1 - 0 Ste Henderson
Keith Smith 1 - 0 Gordon Middlemiss
Bernie Price 1 - 0 Chris Carabine
Bill Wilson 1 - 0 Mike Hardy
Dave Smith 1 - 0 Dennis Sawdon
'Mighty' Hartlepool 5 - 0 Guisborough 'B'

Gordon finished first, i didn't see what happened but it sounded painful.

It took a while for the next game to end, I think it was Ste Henderson who had an interesting tactical struggle on board 1.

Dave and I finished around the same time, Dave was a piece up, later giving it back to get a dangerous passed pawn.

Mike was always on the back foot in our game after a dubious pawn push in the opening. I did however have to be careful that we didn't trade into a drawn ending. Mike could have put up a little more resistance at some points but once my rook hit the 7th it was over.

Bernie finished last (again) having 2 extra pawns in a rook endgame he was just able to make the time control and Chris was forced to capitulate a move or two later when the pawns reached the 7th.

Random Trivia: Hartlepool are currently top in all 3 of the Durham, Darlington and Cleveland divisions they have a team in.

The spectators are literally watching the last game.


It's all over. Handshakes exchanged and once again Hartlepool are victorious

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